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SEA SHIPPING (import/export)

- Lập File Information
- Lập Delivery Order, Arrival Noitce, Invoice (Credit Note, Debit Note), Payment Request,...
- Report: File Information statement, D/O statement, Invoice statement, Payment request statement, Profit report for M/BL, Profit report for H/BL, Statement of shipment,..
- Ocean Inbound - daily report, Ocean Inbound - monthly report,...
Sea shipping - export
- Lập File Information
- Lập Booking Note, H/BL, M/BL Instruction, Invoice (Credit Note, Debit Note), Payment Request,...
- Report: File Information statement, D/O statement, Invoice statement, Payment request statement, Profit report for M/BL, Profit report for H/BL, Statement of shipment,..
- Ocean Outbound - daily report, Ocean Outbound - monthly report,...

AIR SHIPPING (import/export)

- Lập File Information
- Lập Delivery Order, Arrival Noitce, Invoice (Credit Note, Debit Note), Payment Request,...
- Report: File Information statement, D/O statement, Invoice statement, Payment request statement, Profit report for M/BL, Profit report for HAWB, Statement of shipment,..
- Air Inbound - daily report, Air Inbound - monthly report,...
Air shipping - export
- Lập File Information
- Lập Booking Note, HAWB, Invoice (Credit Note, Debit Note), Payment Request,...
- Report: File Information statement, D/O statement, Invoice statement, Payment request statement, Profit report for M/BL, Profit report for HAWB, Statement of shipment,..
- Air Outbound - daily report, Air Outbound - monthly report,...

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